The importance of choosing the right country to study medicine is as important as the choice of studying medicine itself. Factors such as the cost of tuition, quality of education, admission requirements, duration of the program, cost of living, and future job prospects, etc,  play a vital role in picking the best country to study medicine.

The benefits of studying medicine abroad cannot be over-emphasized. It comes with access to quality education and medical professionals, exposure to state-of-the-art facilities, knowledge from research-based training, and experience from real-life cases and treatment.

However, as an international student, it is important to make extensive research on the country and Institution of choice, bearing in mind the language of instruction. While most MBBS programs are available in local languages, certain post-graduate medical programs are offered in popular languages in most countries.

10 Best Countries to Study MBBS

Now that you are armed with the right information on what to look out for when choosing a country to study medicine, here is a list of the 10 best countries to study medicine.

  1. MBBS Study in the United States

The best country to study medicine is the United States. The United States is home to some of the most respected medical schools in the world, which provide hands-on clinical training, a chance for research, and access to cutting-edge medical technology.

The first degree (undergraduate) study in medicine is not available in the United States. The degree is a Medical Doctorate.

Some of the best Medical schools to study medicine in the United States are Harvard, Stanford, and Johns Hopkins Universities.

  1. MBBS Study in the United Kingdom

One of the best countries to study medicine is the United Kingdom. The nation is home to some of the greatest colleges in the globe that provide top-notch education. It has a reputation for being an excellent destination, particularly for students pursuing medical degrees. Leading medical programs are available at Oxford and Cambridge Universities for future physicians.

  1. MBBS Study in Russia

Russia is a fantastic place to study MBBS. Some popular medical schools in Russia are The Pavlov First State Medical University of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Lomonosov Moscow State University, etc.

Russian medical schools offer superior education at a lower cost with a program duration of about 5 to 6 years. Russian is recommended for clinical purposes, however, courses are available in Russian and English.

  1. MBBS Study in Germany

The duration of the program is usually 6 years. Medical education in Germany is among the world’s best. The cost of medical schooling is among the lowest of any developed nation’s public education systems, there may be no fee involved.

Courses are taught in German at public universities, whereas English is the medium of instruction at the more costly private institutions.

Some of the best medical schools to study medicine in Germany are Heidelberg University, The Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Rwth Aachen University, etc.

  1. MBBS Study in Canada

The clinical training and research possibilities for the students are top-notch. Similar to the United States, Canada does not provide an MBBS degree. The degree is a Medical Doctorate and the duration of the program is for 3 to 5 years. In other words, a first degree in Science or a proferred-course for a non-science degree is needed to study Medicine in Canada.

Canada is consistently ranked as one of the most desirable countries in which to pursue Master’s and Doctorate degrees. This accomplishes not just the goal of education but also that of exploring the possibility of finding a job and relocating there.  Some popular medical schools in Canada are McGill University, University of Toronto, etc.

  1. MBBS Study in The Netherlands

The Netherlands is one of the best countries to study MBBS for international students. The Dutch healthcare system is excellent, especially in terms of reproductive health. Some of the best Medical schools in the Netherlands are the Universities of Groningen and Amsterdam, Leiden University, and Maastricht University.

Language barriers are common in European medical schools. In the Netherlands however, you may study your three-year pre-medical course in English. For the ensuing three-year MSc in Medicine, competition is fierce. However, The program accepts international students.

  1. MBBS Study in Australia

Australia’s training in medical sciences, hands-on experience, and exposure to cutting-edge medical technology, makes it one of the best countries to study medicine globally.

Among the top-ranked medical schools in Australia offering prestigious medical programs are the Universities of Melbourne, Sydney, and Monash.

  1. MBBS Study in China

There are several universities in China, and many of them provide state-of-the-art education in the field of medicine and associated disciplines. In comparison to Western countries, studying medicine in China for an MBBS is far more affordable. The program runs for about 6 years and the language of instruction is English and Chinese (Mandarin).

Some Popular Chinese medical schools are Peking University, Nanjing Medical University, Capital Medical University, etc.

  1. MBBS Study in New Zealand

The country’s healthcare system is among the best in the world, and its medical facilities and prestigious universities offer excellent education and training.

Some of the medical schools in New Zealand are the Universities of Auckland and Otago, etc.

  1. MBBS Study in Belgium

Belgium is another country that offers one of the best MBBS in the world. It is a study destination for international students. Unlike other European countries, the Belgium MBBS programs last for 6 years instead of 7.

Some of the prestigious medical schools in Belgium include the  Catholic University of Leuven, Ghent University, The University of Liege, The Free University of Brussels, The Catholic University of Louvain, etc.

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